WhatsApp Font:
WhatsApp Font has the greatest collection of fonts on the Play Store. Coolest Fonts for Andriod, iPhone, or any other devices. Now convert your standard text into stylish fonts for Whatsapp text with different types of effects. Fonts for Whatsapp is supported in devices and all social media platforms.
We provide Whatsapp Font that is Stylish cool fancy text APK files for many Andriod phones. Whatsapp Font app has the greatest collection of fonts. Once you send messages to your friends, they can see the styled text even though they are not having fonts for the WhatsApp app on their device. Also if the recipient is not using the Andriod device still they can see messages in styled text.
Fonts for the WhatsApp app does not install on our Andriod phone. You can type messages in Cool fonts with the selected font and copy them. You can paste copied text in any other apps. Be one of the first to get it and surprise your friends with text messages written in fonts for Whatsapp. Use our cool text generator and stylish font creator as a font WhatsApp trick.
Start conversations with lovely fun fonts for amazing looks, with chat styles. You can write text cool fonts and send in a stylish text message on Whatsapp, Messenger, or any social network. Chat with your friends with special characters, very cool and beautiful. WhatsApp font chat app requires overlay permission to function over another app. Whatapp font for WhatsApp chat app seeks accessibility permission.
Features for WhatsApp Font:
- Perfect if you are looking for cool fonts for whatsapp.
- Text font changer.
- Very easy to use.
- Great number of style to choose from (and text style are frequenly updated).
- Whats app fonts, messenger fonts and much more.
- Easy whatsapp trick to use text that looks cool.
- Work with chatting applications, E-mail clients, Social networking sites and text messages.
- Verious style of fancy text available.
- Fonts are visible on cross plateform.
Easy to Use:
Just write your text, messages, quote, or status and check the various stylish text below. Pick any of the various styles and send them as font WhatsApp directly on this popular messaging app. However, you may use it for messaging app. However, you may use it for messenger and as a shareable link be seen anywhere.
How to Use WhatsApp Font:
- Open text style for Whatsapp
- Start the application by top starting switch
- One notification will arise with title “Text styler for whatsapp is here”
- Tap on notification you will see cool interface in which you can type your text
- After Finishing typing choose the text style you like
- Tap on whatsapp icon>Select conversation you want to send
- Enjoy you whatsapp font now
WhatsApp Font Tips and Tricks:
We share some cool WhatsApp font tips and tricks to add a more dramatic effect to your messages.
- Make text Bold
- Make text Italic
- Strikethrough message
- Change Font
- Change text format using WhatsApp
- Combine Formatting Option
- Change WhatsApp Font Size
- Send Colorful Messages
- Stylish Font
- Type using Emojis
Download Link:
Download the latest link of the font for your WhatsApp from here. We hope and wish you will enjoy this font more when you download and install them on your phone. There were some of the font tips you can use to customize your WhatsApp. When it comes to customization, Whatsapp lets you do other things as well. This all are already mentioned in the above post here.