Small Caps Fonts:
Small Caps Fonts Download Free are fonts that have small capital letters that are the same height as or slightly taller than a font’s x-height. Then, Small Caps Fonts Download Free are useful for creating bold designs.
Antonio is a well-balanced display font that works for titles or short body text. Its mono spaces allow it to be read easily. Lintsec is a stencil font with military visual references. This font pairs well with bold designs for packaging, labels, and captions.
Canter is a three-beat collected gait of a horse that’s above a trot and below a gallop. It’s popular for both English and Western riding, although it can be intimidating to ride. The word canter is often confused with a lope, which is the slang term used in Western riding. It’s said to have derived from the Canterbury gallop, the comfortable speed for pilgrims traveling long distances on horseback in the Middle Ages. It’s easy to see why the word canter has been so resiliently adopted into a common language.
Moderne Sans:
Moderne Sans is a font that’s highly influenced by 1920s typography and yet manages to look extremely modern. This is because of the unique way that each letter has been subtly expanded and balanced by tapering tops, which adds an interesting aesthetic to the font’s overall design. It’s a great choice for headers and titles.
Another good font for modern designs is Laro Soft, which is warm and rounded. This font works well for handmade products and natural beauty brands, as well as business branding and logo creation. It also has a lot of personality, making it perfect for headlines.
For a more traditional sans-serif, try Signika. This font has a low x-height, which makes it easy to read at a distance. It also has a uniform line width, which makes it ideal for large amounts of text. You can find it at Da Font(opens in a new tab or window).
Alternatively, you can use a sans-serif font with a more geometric design like the one in our Red Asian Travel Magazine Cover(opens in a new tab or window) template. This font was designed by Rodamir Tinkov, and it has a unique style that’s great for headlines and logos. Its unique structure also allows it to be used for smaller paragraphs, as well as body text. You can download it at Da Font(opens in a new window or tab). Lastly, you can try out Biko, which is a bold sans-serif that’s great for bolder headlines. It’s based on classic grotesque, but it has a more modern design and is legible even for small texts.
The Mohave is a beautiful and versatile font that features small caps, ligatures, alternates, swashes, and a swash alternate. It also includes a large set of diacritics and is available in both Latin and Cyrillic alphabets. Mohave is perfect for creating headlines, logos, and posters that will grab the attention of your audience.
A southwestern desert tribe, the Mohave relied on annual flooding of the Colorado River to irrigate crops and create rich soil. They grew such vegetables as pumpkins, beans, and corn. Corn was an especially important crop because they would trade it to tribes near the ocean and the Gulf of California for seashells and feathers.
They made pottery from sedimentary clay and crushed sandstone, using it to make pots, bowls, and ladles. Women carved and decorated these items. Women also created unique pottery dolls for their children. They dressed them like people, complete with a headdress, and decorated them with creative glass beads.
Mohave warriors specialized in different kinds of fighting. Some were archers, who used 5-foot-long bows and arrows for long-distance fighting. Others were clubmen, who fought close-up with heavy clubs and sticks.
The Mohave lived in scattered settlements along the lower Colorado River in California, Arizona, and Nevada. Today, they live on the 270,000-acre Fort Mohave Reservation, with tribal offices in Needles, California.