Font Awesome 6 Icons

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Font Awesome 6 Icons For Avada:

Font Awesome is a hugely popular icon set that provides scalable vector icons that can be easily customized with CSS. Avada is built with it and supports the free set of icons, as well as the Pro integration which gives you access to their Pro subsets including Light, Thin, and Duotone.


Icons are a great way to explain complex ideas or to give your application a clean and modern look. However, it can be difficult to find high-quality icons that suit your needs. That’s where Font Awesome 6 comes in! This free icon set features a full range of icons that will help you take your dashboards to the next level.

The Font Awesome 6 icon pack is available as a Flutter package, enabling you to use them on mobile platforms like Android and iOS. The icons are compiled into a single SVG file with symbol sprites, making them much smaller than other Google Web Fonts. Additionally, they’re also served with a custom CSS class that will activate the correct Font Awesome icon styles for your browser.

As a bonus, this kit will translate any Font Awesome 5 icon names, style syntax, and custom Font Awesome @font-face CSS rules into their v6 equivalent, automatically. This is particularly helpful for developers who have already made a commitment to moving to v6 and need their existing code to work right away.

Get Started:

To get started, you’ll need to create a basic skeleton for your R Shiny dashboard, including imports, ui, servicer, and call to shinyApp(). Once you’ve done that, add the src=fontawesome_icons script tag to your UI.

Font Awesome is a convenient library of vector graphics that can be used as inline elements inside HTML documents. These are called ‘font icons’ and are typically added as i> or span> tags. Icons are accessed using the style prefix and icon name. Such as fas for Font Awesome solid, or fa-thumbs-up.

There are many different subsets of icons available in Font Awesome. Including Solid, Regular, Light, Thin, and Duotone. You can load any of these subsets by turning on the Font Awesome Pro integration and connecting your license. Then you can choose which ones to load from the global options menu in the Builder.


The Classic family includes icons for any occasion and need. These icons are great for adding a light touch of style to any design.

Font Awesome is free to use anywhere and for really any kind of project. You can get started with a free icon tool kit and choose from a selection of over 1,600+ icons or upgrade to Pro to access 7,800+ top-level icons for anything from interface design to social media branding.

Our styling toolkit has a lot of cool features that help you make your Font Awesome icons look just how you want them. You can modify just about everything — from color to size to display to position. There are also a number of utility classes that give you extra control over the default Font Awesome CSS classes.

More Examples:

For example, fa-flip allows you to rotate an icon clockwise or counterclockwise. fa-grow and fa-shrink both allow you to alter an icon’s size in ems. fa-align is useful for positioning your icons in line with other elements on the page. Finally, fa-transform lets you change an icon’s shape by adding a modifier like circle-plus, slash, or even poop.

Adding your Font Awesome icons to WordPress is easy. You can do it by using a plugin or by editing your HTML code to include the fa-class inline CSS. If you want to keep your design HTML neat and tidy, then you should opt for the plugin option. This method is faster and prevents you from having to revise your edited code over time.

If you’re already a fan of Font Awesome. You can upgrade to the new version by visiting your Kit’s settings and selecting Version 6. If your project uses Version 5 icons or styles (or CSS rules with @font-face) then upgrading should be fa-rabbit-running-fast! You can also visit the Font Awesome website to get a free account.

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