Load Google Fonts Locally in WordPress

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How to Load Google Fonts Locally and Optimize Cache Headers for Google Fonts in WordPress:

To optimize the loading time of your website, install Google Fonts locally and fallback font stacks. Learn more about how to limit requests and optimize the cache headers for Google Fonts in WordPress. You can then easily use them on your website and make it look great. Read the article to get more information on Load Google Fonts Locally in WordPress.

Alternatively, you can use a combination of both methods to make it look beautiful. However, you should do it with care. While you may not be able to change the fonts in your theme, it’s still worth considering it.

Optimizing Google Fonts loading:

The first step in optimizing Google Fonts loading on your WordPress website is to install preloading code. Specifically, you should use this code to preload Google Fonts used on pages above the fold. Alternatively, you can use plugins like PerfMatters and Flying Press to do the same job.

If you choose the latter, you should make sure to delete unused Google Fonts as this will lower the requests and reduce the size of your page. When using Google Fonts on your website, you should always use ‘pre connect’ to complete the TCP handshake and TLS negotiation on your server before the page is served.

This will reduce page load times by at least 100ms. Another way to improve the loading time of a website is to use the Roboto font, which will be downloaded once and stored in the user’s cache. However, if you use the ‘Proxima Soft’ font, you’ll have to download it again and this will increase load time.

Installing Google Fonts locally:

There are many advantages to hosting Google Fonts on your own server, but the only one I can think of is that it reduces the amount of traffic your site receives via HTTP requests. This is especially true if you use a CDN. It is recommended that you install Google Fonts via CDN if possible, but if you do not, you should install them locally instead.

It is also recommended that you make a backup of your website before proceeding to the next step.

  • To install Google Fonts locally on WordPress, install the OMGF plugin.
  • After installing the plugin, go to the plugin’s configuration page and click “Add Fonts.”
  • You can also use a text editor to insert the CSS code for Google Fonts.
  • Once you’ve finished this, you can install the fonts by adding the OMGF div to your theme.
  • Once you’ve done this, just click “Save and continue” and you’re good to go!

Fallback font stacks:

In addition to Google’s reliable hosting, you can load fonts locally in WordPress. But, if your WordPress installation is running on a slow network connection, your fonts may not load correctly. To prevent such problems, you should use a fallback font stack.

Listed below are some tips to optimize your Google Fonts locally. Let us know your experience in the comments. Just follow these steps for a faster WordPress site.

  • Before you add Google Fonts to your site, you need to make sure that your theme includes fallback font stacks.
  • Fallback font stacks are a set of system fonts that are compatible with different operating systems.
  • This helps reduce Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) and speeds up the perceived loading speed.
  • Unfortunately, theme developers rarely include fallback font stacks when adding Google Fonts.
  • To do this, you need to find a system font for each of the various operating systems, as well as the Google Fonts you are using.

Limiting requests:

In order to increase page speed, you can limit the number of Google Font requests from your website. This is particularly useful if you have a lot of fonts on your website. The Google Fonts API serves the fonts listed in the directory. While browsers cache the font files locally, they only store them for 24 hours.

To keep your website performing optimally, set the expiration period to a year. You can also use a plugin such as Far Futures expiry to control the time limit. By default, most WordPress themes enable customization of fonts. However, there are downsides to this approach.

While Google servers are fast, the fonts don’t add much to the overall size of the page. Therefore, extra requests can quickly add up. You may wish to limit the number of requests to a few. For most sites, two or three fonts should be enough. If you want more options, you can increase the number of fonts.

GDPR compliance:

The German regional court ruled that using Google Fonts on a website violated the GDPR, a European privacy law. GDPR is the EU’s newest privacy law and it applies to websites that have visitors from the EU. While this may not be the most ideal solution, it offers convenience at the expense of privacy.

Here are the reasons to load Google Fonts locally on your website for GDPR compliance. As a web developer, you need to comply with GDPR regulations, which include using Google Fonts on your website.


GDPR regulations state that you must have a legal basis to collect, process, and use data about your visitors. For example, if you use Google Fonts on a website, you must obtain consent from the users and use this data for analytical purposes.

This information is not shared with third parties, and it is only collected with the permission of the website visitor.

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